Vicam Vertu TOUCH Lateral Flow Reader Package
Now available from Deltagen. The Vicam Virtu Lateral Flow Reader basic package…
Easy 5-step Mycotoxin analysis | VICAM | Vertu TOUCH reader
The Vertu TOUCH lateral flow strip test reader works in concert with VICAM’s Vertu strip tests to deliver full-range quantitative results for up to six major mycotoxin, including aflatoxin, fumonisin, vomitoxin (DON), zearalenone, ochratoxin A and the combination of T-2 and HT-2 toxins…
VICAM: High Performance Aflatoxin Detection for LC users with AflaTest WB SR+
In support of the realease of the new Vicam AflaTest WB SR+ Lingyun Chen, Director of Research & Development at Vicam and Nancy Zabe Collette, Technical Services and Applications Manager held an interesting and informative webinar covering the new product…
VICAM – Product Guide 2020
Vicam are the industry leaders in precise, sustainable mycotoxin monitoring options for grains, peanuts, tree nuts and other raw materials and finished products. Helping both […]