

Easy 5-step Mycotoxin analysis | VICAM | Vertu TOUCH reader

August 06, 2021

Easy 5 step Mycotoxin analysis with the new Vertu TOUCH lateral flow strip test reader.

Andrew Brennan – August 2021

The Vertu TOUCH lateral flow strip test reader works in concert with VICAM’s Vertu strip tests to deliver full-range quantitative results for up to six major mycotoxin, including aflatoxin, fumonisin, vomitoxin (DON), zearalenone, ochratoxin A and the combination of T-2 and HT-2 toxins.

The Vertu TOUCH reader offers simple, touch screen operation, on-board data storage and transfer, optional printing and requires no special training or expertise for field, process or laboratory testing environments.


  1. 1. Weigh Sample.
  2. 2. Add AQUA Solution.
  3. 3. Mix and Filter .
  4. 4. Transfer Extract to Test Strip(s).
  5. 5. Develop/Incubate and Read After 5 Minutes

Highlights of the Vertu TOUCH reader and benefits:

Time Saving: 75% Reduction in Extraction Time 

Ease of Us: Intuitive Touch Screen Operation

Hassle Free: Calibration – Scan Barcode ONCE, Vertu TOUCH stores method calibrations until lot expiry date

Reduce consumables: No need for disposable extraction tubes

Contact us to find out more about the Vertu TOUCH

Andrew Brennan 2021

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